Every monday, I will try to put to bed one common, yet untrue misconception that I see floating about. It annoys me when misinformation is passed about and spreads like wildfire with no evidence or data to back it up. This week:
"Eating carbs after 6/7/8/9 whatever o'clock makes you store fat"
This is such bullshit and anyone that says it really does not know anything about thermodynamics or basic nutrition. Ever heard of glycogen? Excess energy not directly used is stored as glycogen in cells which can be used when required. Everyone stores glycogen and an average male would have to eat over 1000g carbs before filling up their stores. Thermodynamics says that you cannot gain weight at all unles you are in a calorie surplus which again proves the above statement wrong. Are men's health and flex magazine seriously claiming that you can eat less calories than you burn but if the carbs are eaten before bed you will store it as fat!?
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21475137 (sorry link not working. Having technical issues so please copy and paste into searchable until I get it sorted!)
This study shows improved fat loss, insulin sensitivity and satiety in a diet with the majority of dietary carbohydrates consumed later in the day.
Myth #1 done. A new one next Monday. Please comment with any claims that you would like me to clear up.
Peace x
Is it true that drinking cold water boosts your metabolism? Apparently your body has to heat it up to digest it? Steve
ReplyDeleteHi Steve. There is SOME truth to it. Studies have shown I slight metabolic advantage but we are talking about 10-50 calories per gallon of ice cold water. Dehydration infact has been show to inhibit fat loss so I may do an article on the importance of staying hydrated. To answer your question, drink lots of water, stay hydrated but don't bother worrying about the temperature as it is not worth the hassle it's just nitpicking. Thanks, Tom